What is ZSA and what will we learn?

Αλέξης Πατέλης

Επικεφαλής του οικονομικού γραφείου του πρωθυπουργού

Θοδωρής Μουμτζίδης

Συνιδρυτής Zero Stray Pawject 

Σταματίνα Σταματάκου

Διευθύντρια προγράμματος Zero Stray Academy

Ελευθερία Γρεβεντοπούλου


The first lesson is introductory and elaborates extensively on the role of the Academy and the subject of study. It includes teaching from ZSP co-founder Thodoris Moumtzidis, emphasizing the example of Aegina and the importance of electronic tagging of owned animals, as well as from ZSA Director Stamatina Stamatakou, who presents the program and highlights the Academy's goals.

A relevant position is made by the Municipality of Salamis regarding the tagging of owned animals through ZSP and the results observed by cooperating veterinarian Eleftheria Greventopoulou.

Greetings are extended by the Head of the Prime Minister's Economic Office, Alexis Patelis.

Greetings are extended by the Head of the Animal Protection Department in the Hellenic Police, Thodoris Kampouris, as ZSP has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Police and has proceeded with the first mandatory training of police officers for animal protection.

ZSP Account Managers Lambrini Vergou, Eleanna Tzitzi, Spyros Romanos, and Pantelis Kosmidis present their roles and the collaboration they will have with municipalities after their graduation to assist them in implementing what they have learned.

It is desirable for all those involved in the prevention and management of stray animals, municipality employees, volunteers, or collaborators, to participate in the lesson.

The lesson includes:

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