The importance of electronic tagging

Σταματίνα Σταματάκου

Διευθύντρια Zero Stray Academy

Spot A Stray

If an animal has been electronically tagged and registered, it cannot be abandoned. The lesson emphasizes the value of microchipping, the ways it can be promoted, and the organized checks that must be carried out. It is noteworthy that electronically tagged animals will no longer be able to produce new strays, and even if this happens, their owners will face criminal prosecution. Methods for controlling owned animals are proposed with various examples, such as those implemented in Ierapetra and other areas.

Taught by the director of ZSA, Stamatina Stamatakou.

Relevant intervention is made by the creators of the Spot A Stray application, who provide a digital dog registration system and explain how it can be utilized by municipalities.

Participation from the Municipal Police is desired in the course.

The lesson includes:

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