Management of Cat Colonies and Recording

Σεραφίνα Αβραμίδου

Μανώλης Βορρίσης

The presentation showcases the innovative program implemented in Syros and proposes ways to implement it in other municipalities. It covers the process of trapping, mapping, and structuring a comprehensive program—primarily for cats—and how through this policy, we can prevent the proliferation of stray kittens.

The presentation is delivered by Manos Vorrisis, veterinarian and founder of

There is also a relevant intervention by Serafina Avramidou, as the Municipality of Athens implemented digital mapping of cat colonies for the first time, aiming at organized sterilizations and effective population control, as well as their work with Animal Action Greece as program managers.

Participation in the course is desirable for those involved in mass sterilizations and cat colonies.

The lesson includes:

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